The Justin Bieber Biography

Biography for Justin Bieber Date of Birth 1 March 1994 , Stratford, Ontario, Canada Birth Name Justin Drew Bieber Nickname JBiebs Height 5' 5" (1.65 m) Trade Mark Hairstyle, aka "The Bieber" Trivia Discovered by Scooter Braun, who is also his manager. Usher Raymond signed him to Island Def Jam Records, and beat out Justin Timberlake 's hopes of signing the young singer. Taught himself four instruments including the piano, guitar, drums. He hopes to learn the violin. Has a high GPA. Can moonwalk. The Dream produced and wrote his songs Baby and One Time. His single "Baby" debuted at number 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Moved to Atlanta, Georgia to pursue his music career. Born and raised in Stratford, Ontario in Canada; the same area as other stars including Brendan Meyer , Seth Sieunarine and Shawn Roberts . The craziest gift from a fan that he received was a rubber golf club. Bought a Macbook Pro with his own money - one of his biggest purchases...