Justin Biebers new manly singing voice explained

For Justin Bieber fans around the world, the news that their hearts desire has finally hit puberty might be upsetting. What about that golden voice that has wooed so many girls? Gone! Taken by the force of nature. Yes people of heatworld, Justin Biebers balls have finally DUM-DUM-DUUUUUUUUUUM dropped.

The singer found his Baby, Baby crooning voice had dramatically changed when he got into the recording studio with legendary songbird Mariah Carey. The pair joined vocal-powers for a duet on Justins forthcoming Christmas album.

When the young man struggled to hit the high note on the song, his manager, Scooter Braunt, helpfully explained why

"That was the hardest song to do. A year ago that would have been no problem

And if having someone called Scooter try and explain to the world why your newly broken voice has proved problematic, how about having Island Def Jams Steve Bartels adding his take on the matter too?

"His voice has just blossomed. It will pleasantly surprise many people."

Biebs voice change hasnt been a quick process. The 17-year-old admitted back in March 2010 that his vocals were changing.

Its been a pretty smooth transition so far. Im not all the way through it, but I have the best vocal coaches training me and stuff. I like my voice how it is right now, but I have to work out it and its going to get lower, so I have to work with what I have.

Justin the man Bieber's new track, named Underneath the Mistletoe, is released tomorrow.