Justin Bieber gives pet away

People News

Dec 15, 2012, 18:12 GMT

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has given his beloved pet hamster to a fan.

The 18-year-old 'As Long As You Love Me' singer was caught on video picking out a random girl from the audience during his performance at the Jingle Ball in Atlanta on Wednesday (12.12.12) and handing her a cage containing the small furry creature called PAC, which he adopted in October.

According to gossip website TMZ.com, the Canadian heartthrob told the fan: 'You gotta take care of PAC,' and she replied: 'I will take care of him.'

The hamster has been Justin's constant companion for the last two months, as it kept him company during her tour and even appeared in several pictures on his Instagram account.

He introduced PAC to his fans on October 20, and promised to bring his pet with him to every meet and greet.

He also gave his pet it's own Twitter account @PAC_Bieber, which has 5,500 followers.

Justin's made the generous gift amid a difficult week for the star who was left devastated after being snubbed by the Grammy Awards.

He was also at the centre of a foiled murder plot, after a convicted killer hired two hitmen to kill him in New York.


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