Norway schools cave to Justin Bieber tour and reschedule midterms

Image Credit: Theo Wargo/Getty Images
Norway, like, really likes Justin Bieber which would usually be a useless sentiment (dont we all?) except that five different Norwegian schools have rescheduled midterms so as not to conflict with the pop stars oncoming Believe tour.
Five schools have moved their midterm exams up a week to allow students to go to the concert on April 16 and 17, Norways Ministry of Education and Research announced yesterday. I am concerned that students should be concentrating when they take tests and midterms, the countrys education minister Kristin Halvorsen told the Associated Press.
Youre probably thinking, Thats galskap! But then you also probably forgot that Biebers free concert in Norways capital last year resulted in multiple injuries and general, riot-y chaos. The decision has caused some controversy in Norway but as one of the schools principals told a Norwegian broadcaster, We considered that this was a battle that we could not win this time.
The Biebs, as is his wont, responded in Tweet:
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