Justin Bieber Wants His Lip Tattood

Justin Bieber may be a teen heartthrob, but that doesn't mean he has to act like a Disney Prince ALLthe time...
And tattoos seem like the perfect way to make a start on his bad boy image.
Beliebers will be well aware that their master recently had the face of Jesus inked onto the back of his calf; we're guessing it's nice for Justin to take inspiration from someone else who secured so many faithful devotees.
However, that tattoo hasn't quenched his thirst for ink and he's already making plans for the next one...
A humble worker at Menchies Frozen Yogurt may have provided Justin with the idea for his next inking, if reports from Hollywood Life are to be believed! The employee came forward and explained how, whenBieber visited the outlet for a sweet and icy treat, his roving eye held still on an impressive bottom lip tattoo:
Justin saw the tattoo inside my bottom lip and said he wanted to get one too. He thought it was pretty cool... He said he has wanted to get one there for a while now, but he didnt say what kind.
He may not have stated what kind of tattoo he was planning, but Justin did state his fave kind of frozen yogurt; it's banana and strawberry, for all those avid fans just dying to know!
The sad fact of the matter is that, should the Bieber get a tattoo on his lower lip, we'll probably never see it. Unless we lean in for a real-life smooch, we guess...
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