New Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Music Update, Pictures Singer Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez get breakfast at an IHOP restaurant in Sherman Oaks. ( pics Justin Bieber ( Justin Bieber hasn't made any official announcement as to when he'll release new music. But according to his Twitter feed, it's coming... "very very soon." Question is: Will Selena Gomez contribute her vocals?

Though he did release a Christmas album not too long ago, fans of The Biebs can't wait until the singer releases a non-themed album. Needless to say, his millions of Twitter followers have been busy asking the pop sensation for updates. And today, he actually answered.

"@BelieberOfNY very very very soon. #newmusic" Bieber tweeted in response to a fan who had asked when he would release new music.

Selena Gomez, meanwhile, doesn't appear set to release any new music. In fact, she just announced a few days ago that she and her band have split ways, for the moment. "Just to clear up my last instagram post, my band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all..." she tweeted.

Check out more photos of Gomez and Bieber here:

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