Star Spotting: Justin Bieber Pensively Plays Piano While Billy Joel Supervises (PHOTO)

Justin Bieber plays a few notes under a giant Billy Joel photo.

This photo is so bizarre and so amazing at the same time, we're not actually sure how to begin talking about it. Guess we'll start here though: Justin Bieberis multi-talented! In addition to being a stunning singer, dancer, drummer, and money pant-wearer,Justin Bieber is a also a piano man. Along with a black & white photo of The Biebs practicing piano, long time Team JB memberKenny Hamilton tweeted: "Greatness...#Believe." We do! By the way, do you SEE that head of hair on Bieber? How could we not?

On the surface, this photo seems totally beautiful and normal... that is of course until you see Billy Joel's giant mug plastered on the wall! Billy's sorta peering off to the left, but we actually think this photo is a metaphor depicting Billy, the original "Piano Man," watching over and taking stock of the upcoming generation. That, or Justin and Billy are planning a secret duet. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!

Photo credit: @KennyHamilton

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