Justin Bieber Poses Shirtless AGAIN, Single Ladies, Rejoice! (PHOTO)

Justin Bieber just can't keep his shirt on. And we're not complaining!

Despite certain relationship-related events, Justin Bieber is certainly is having a srs moment in the spotlight. (But has he ever stepped OUT of the spotlight?) Following his recent breakup with Selena Gomez (we're almost done drowning our sorrows in the Hagen-Dazs...almost) and performing Justin Timberlake's classic 2002 breakup hit "Cry Me A River" in Boston, AND observing his Fabio pecs in the mirror, Biebs is BACK and more shirtless than ever. Just can't keep those abs under wraps, can he? WE. ARE. NOT. COMPLAINING.

It's hard to know how Justin is doing emotionally ever since the split (singing JT's uber-famous breakup song says one thing, but eyeballing Victoria's Secret models says another), but he DID post this VA VA VOOM photo (yes, we can say that! for dudes, too) on Instagram with the caption, "What song is next." Judging by this picture, it's probably "Tearin' Up My Heart" or "I'm Too Sexy" or "When The Lights Go Out" (never forget5ive, guys) or some such grindin' on the dance floor jam, because, er...is it getting hot in here? Perhaps the caption should've read, "Greetings, LADIESSSS."

Photo credit: @justinbieber

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