Justin Bieber Being Investigated For Assault, With A Nerf Gun
Justin Bieber Being Investigated For Assault, With A Nerf Gun
Justin Bieber is currently being investigated by Canadian police for an alleged incident involving him physically assaulting a woman, with a Nerf gun. And people say that Canada doesn't have a gun problem!
According to TMZ, Biebs - or someone in his entourage at least - allegedly fired at a female employee of a venue he was due to perform in in Ottawa last November, with said woman going to police shortly after the incident to report her 'assault' with the foam bullet. According to Bieber's people, he and his 3-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister were having a Nerf gun showdown when the woman in question got caught up in the action. Either way, the woman was not happy and went straight to the police who aren't taking the incident lightly at all and have apparently questioned some people at the venue that night already.
We at Contact Music aren't exactly familiar with Canadian law, but getting hit with a Nerf dart is a criminal offence? Come on Canada! No official statement has been made by the Mounties about the alleged incident just yet, but we'd be surprised if Justin did end up facing any real charges for his friendly fire incident.
Tags: Justin Bieber
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