Justin Biebers rep denies spitting in drink at gym
Justin Biebers got quite the muscles these days hes recently looking a lot more like a man-friend than the Boyfriend he sings about. But with these muscles come awkward gym situations namely bumping into people hes not too keen on.
Which is how hes been accused of all sorts of rudeness by a radio host.
When Justin arrived at the gym of the North Carolina Ritz Carlton Hotel, Colette Harrington approached the teen superstar for a photo, but she was refused by the 18-year-old.
She told TMZ that Justin and his posse then started mocking her for making loud gym noises: I always count out loud my reps. Then Justin starts imitating me and whenever I'd get to 20 he and his buddy would say 'Shut the f*** up.'"
She then alleged that when she was done with her workout, there was some spit in her drink that she's certain wasn't hers, which she accidentally swallowed. She explained:I did not look at my water bottle before taking a drink."
Justins representative has denied anything untoward happened, saying that Justin and his trainer were in the gym but werent doing anything mean at all.
Collette uploaded a photo of thewater bottle, which we think could definitely fetch a LOT of money, especially considering how many fans he has these days.
Justin recently overtook Lady Gaga to become the most followed person on Twitter, with a whopping 33 million followers! Actually, at the time of typing he has 33,431,791 followers.
And we bet more than one of them would give their right arm to have even the most alleged globule of his spit in their possession. Hes just that kinda guy.
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