Selena Gomez: Youve Dissed & Dismissed Justin Bieber Now Move On
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- Selena Gomez: Youve Dissed

Selena, its time to end the revenge moves on Justin Bieber after your under-the-radar kiss-off to the Biebs that you send in a public Twit! ter pic.
Selena Gomez you pulled off quite a public dissing ofJustinBieberwhen you posted a sexy Twitter pic of yourself wearing the hat of his favorite hockey team.
You deliberately had your back to the camera with a Stratford Cullitons hat on your head facing the camera.
The Stratford Cullitons are a junior ice hockey team based in Stratford, Ontario Justins hometown in Canada.
The logo of the team was very visibly facing the camera while you held your hands over your head in the universal sign that youre saying goodbye.
Now, the smoking gun here is that Justin Bieber just recently got inked with the Stratford Cullitons logo on his back and he Instagrammed it on Jan. 6. In other word! s he now! has the same logo on his back as you, Selena, were wearing on your hat.
When Justin saw this pic which Im sure he did he knew exactly what you were saying to him you were sending a very pointed Goodbye, Im so over you message!
Well now thats done!
No More Deliberate Revenge Pics With Other Guys
But now Selena, its time to stop the dissing and taking revenge pics with other guys like Greg Sulkin, Nat Wolff, Josh Hutcherson, and Ronan Farrow.
Its time to start moving on with the very big, exciting life you have ahead of you.
Its time to simply have Justin Bieber in your rear-view mirror. Thats it.
You need to leave your anger over Justins alleged cheating behind and if anything, try and just remember the good times.
Its really not good for you to keep focusing on all the recent disappointments, betrayals, and fights that will just keep bringing you down.
For almost two years, you and Justin had a strong, loving and supportive relationship. You both got a lot out of your relationship before it headed downhill.
Yes, its normal to be angry at an ex after an emotional breakup, BUT, you should be focused on getting support from your close friends likeTaylor Swift andVanessa Hudgens.
You can definitely start dating and we hear from a source close to you that you want to go on lots of dates with sexy guys. Sure, go ahead. Have fun. But dont just date guys to get revenge on Justin because revenge dating could end up making you feel empty inside and missing Justin even more.
Dont Be The Girl Who Sings Revenge Songs!
Do go out and shop for clothes that make you feel good. Dress up so you feel sexy. Get a new haircut or color if that makes you feel good too.
Channel your energy into your career promoting your new film,Spring Breakers, which comes out March 22, 2013, and! the ! Wizards of Waverly Placereunion film,The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex, airing Friday, March 15.
Those are all positive ways to help you get overJustin.
But make your Jan. 29 sexy diss pic to Justin your last public revenge on your ex.
It may be tempting to record a revenge song about Justin like your BFF Taylor Swift has done so many times, but you DONT NEED to be that girl.
Youve got a career thats so happening, theres no reason for you to get into the revenge song business.
After all, why have your identity linked to Justin forever? Getting over him quickly really is the best revenge of all! Dont you agree,HollywoodLifers? Let me know!
WATCH:Selena Disses Justin Bieber With The Ultimate Kiss-Off Photo
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