Colette Harrington (Facebook)
Here's another bizarre
Justin Bieber story for your Wednesday:
TMZ is reporting the star had a weird run-in with a North Carolina radio host named
Colette Harrington yesterday before his show in Charlotte. And before
he met Michael Jordan.
The publication reports Harrington's story, which was detailed on the host's Facebook page. The gist: Harrington asked for a picture when she ran into the singer at a Charlotte gym, which was inside the Ritz-Carlton. He declined. Then, Harrington says the Biebs started mocking her workout. He reportedly imitated her while she lifted weights and told her to "shut the f** up" when she counted her reps aloud.
She said Bieber, or one of the
dudes he was at the gym with, then proceeded to spit blue Gatorade in her water bottle after she'd left the room. Harrington took a sip out of the bottle without looking and discovered the prank. She says she's now going to put the water bottle up for auction and use the proceeds for charity, or to help make a Christian movie she wrote. (Harrington later claimed she'd ditch the eBay idea.)
Bieber's rep told TMZ the whole story is false and that Bieber and his trainer were at the gym but they did not at all harass this woman. Instead they were making comments to each other. Hmm.
Harrington posted her whole saga on Facebook with a picture of said water bottle. Here's the full text of her story:
OMGOSH-wait till you hear this. So I am at the Ritz Carlton where I am a member in Charlotte. I get there and guess who is working out? Justin Bieber. Which is rather ironic since I yesterday posted about yesterday about wanting to meet him. He is with a trainer and I think one of his back up dancers. I lay low waiting for a chance to introduce myself and get a photo with him. "Hi I am Colette Harrington I host the Sweet Carolina radio show." He said, "good for you." I asked, "would be okay if I got a picture?" and he told me "no." Which was fine with me since I can understand not wanting someone taking my picture when I am sleeveless and sweaty. I continue with my workout. I always count out loud my reps. Then Justin starts imitating me and whenever I'd get to 20 he and his buddy would say "Shut the F'ck up." I was stunned. They start complaining how they are so hungover from drinking-some drink that I ! never hea! rd of before. I ignore them and keep doing my counting only in a quieter voice but they keep saying "Shut the F'up" when ever I get to 20. I am ready to punch one of them in the face or cry. I could not decide which since I felt like I was back in grade school and being made fun of. Then they start talking about spitting in people's drinks and that tonight at their concert yell, "remember when you drank my spit." Justin guzzled his blue gatorade and spits in it. So I think that their finally off of my back but NO! They start imitating my counting again even though I am whispering. I keep on ignoring them because I am not going to cause a scene at the Ritz or lower myself to their level. Much to my relief the back singer started talking about his GF. But then started saying things about her being a virgin because she is a Muslim and has a strict Father. And so he knows that when he marries her- he'll be the first. FINALLY I had enough. (30 minutes of this crap) I left my workout station, my water bottle, mat and weights and go to the other room. I rolled my eyes at them but said NOTHING. After a few minutes I hear the door slamming so I know they left. I go back to working out and a take drink from my water bottle only it is Justin's blue gatorade. I spit it out right way thinking about his disgusting spit. I did not look at my water bottle before taking a drink. Ty Justin-I am putting your bottle and spit up on E BAY. Hopefully it will raise enough money to re build the kitchen at the Ronald Mc Donald House in Charleston. I go there to cook for the families of sick children. They need a better kitchen. If there is any money left over I will use it to help make a Christian movie I wrote, Like Perfume Poured Out. www.likeperfumepouredout.com I understand you have a Bi! eber perf! ume but trust me-there is not enough of it in the world to cover up the smell of a skunk. You stink!"