Star Spotting: Justin Bieber Has His Own Pop-Star Air Force One (PHOTO)

Justin Bieber balls out on a private plane, but we already knew he could, didn't we?

It's not like you need us to remind you thatJustin Biebercan ball out on a private plane, but that doesn't mean we don't think it's totally fun to REMIND YOU that Justin Bieber can fully ball out on a private plane! He also may or may not have his own pop-star version of Air Force One -- that's still unclear.

In betweenwhipping up a snack with One Direction'sNiall Horanand duetting with Carly Rae Jepsen, the Biebs found time to board a private jet fully equipped with his own bodyguard (that dude with the white hair), and we assume a personal chef, a masseuse, and a bunch of other luxurious amenities only private plane-riders can afford. Naturally, Justin decided to make us insane with jealousyshare the news of his ridiculous private jet moment by tweeting the above photo along with the simple caption:"Hello." Riiight, so we guess it would have been a smidge tacky of him to tweet something along the lines of "LOOK AT ME IN MY PIMP PRIVATE PLANE!!!!," but that doesn't mean we wouldn't have! That is, if we ever had the chance to ride in a private plane. And be rich. And be a famous pop-star. You know.

Photo credit: @JustinBieber

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