Justin Bieber dyes his hair
Vanessa Soldano
Justin Bieber launched his fame using his hair 'do', but is his new hair style a hair don't?
The Daily Mail reports that Bieber was seen leaving a friends house with Selena Gomez, his girlfriend, after watching the Green Bay Packers game yesterday. He was seen wearing a bright yellow shirt, which really accentuated his new hair.
The question is why did he do it? There is quite a controversy going on as to why the singer has changed his hair color from blonde to brunette, especially since his hair is one of his main attributes as a star. The Justin Bieber Shrine discusses whether or not the new look could be for a basketball film Beiber is said to be in with Mark Walhberg.
Bieber's new album Believe is said to be out this February or March. His manager, Scooter Braun, stated otherwise saying that the album would be out by the summer, the earliest. Maybe this is due to movie filming.