Justin Bieber - Justin Bieber Provides Twitter Voice For Organ Donors

Justin Bieber has helped one fan's campaign to boost Organ Donor registrations in Ontario. The Belieber sent Justin a message via Twitter, saying "Hey justinbieber! I Belieb you should use that Canadian voice of yours and help save lives like mine 'beanorgandonor" and according to E! Online, the young pop star responded by Tweeting a message that read "i got the word....you have amazing strength. i got u. BeAnOrganDonor."

Helene Campbell, who is waiting for a lung transplant, thanked Bieber, who also Tweeted a link to Helen's website in a separate message, and Justin told her that it was "the best part" of what he does and that he was glad to be able to help. According to the E! Online story, Justin's social networking messages significantly raised the number of donations received by the Trillium Gift Of Life Network. The Ceo of the organization told reporters that online registrations have risen from around 50 per day to around 200. With over 1500 people in Ontario alone, waiting for organ transplants, Ronnie Gavsi expressed his gratitude, on behalf of the organization for the support shown by both Helene and Justin.

Justin Bieber is also celebrating his 5 year 'YouTube Anniversary.' It's half a decade since Justin's mother posted a video of her 13 year old son on the site, singing Ne-YO's 'Sick.' The R&B singer Usher saw the video and has nurtured Bieber's career ever since.