Justin Bieber's Muscles, Guys. Justin Bieber's Muscles. (PHOTO)

Posted 2 hrs ago by Nicole James in Celebrity, Photos

So, this happened. Justin Bieber, who's not only basically the king of the world but also the king of every social media site including Instagram, uploaded this brooding, shirtless photo of himself standing next to a lake. Or is that snow? A campsite, maybe?

We don't know what he's standing in front of, to be honest. We only know that a few things are highlighted in this photo: specifically, Justin Bieber's muscles. Looks like someone's been hitting the weight bench, y'all. Also: those muscles near the lower region of Justin's stomach (!). We don't want to elaborate much further as we don't want to be escorted out of here by authorities, but we did feel the need to point them out.

Annnnnnd we're going to stop this conversation right here.

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