Justin Bieber Ditches Signature Hair For 'Boyfriend' Cover Art

Posted 1 hr ago by Gaby Wilson in Dudes

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" single art.
Photo: Courtesy of JustinBieberMusic.com/Island Def Jam

Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing Justin Bieber's forehead! Just when he had us all fooled, thinking he had finally brought "Bieber hair kinda back," Justin throws us another tonsorial curveball. Building buzz for the impending release of his next single, "Boyfriend," The Biebs is crowdsourcing the track's cover art. Beliebers far and wide can choose via Twitter which of these "Boyfriend" snaps will be the single art for the world's first taste of Justin Bieber's sophomore album. Yeayeayea, these photos are laden with enough sullen adolescent brooding and pulsating unrequited love to make your thyroid explode, but once you get past those puppy-dog eyes and the burgeoning jawline, there are important hair things happening here. Justin has *GASP* ditched the side-swooped bangs for this turn at the record rodeo.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" single art.
Photo: Courtesy of JustinBieberMusic.com/Island Def Jam

Okay, so it's technically not the first time we've laid eyes on the dome space between Bieber's eyebrows and hair line (lest we forget that Fonzarelli channeling number earlier this year), but it's definitely the first time this sucker has graced the front of any of his promotional album materials. My World, the 2.0 and acoustic versions, Never Say Never: The Remixes, and even Under The Misteltoe all feature Bieber's forehead cloaked beneath a curtain of bangs. Now, for his second full-length album, Bieber peeks out below a newly chestnut brown mane, styled up a vaguely Elvis-esque pompadour. No matter which of these snaps ends up being Justin's official single art come Monday morning (though we're pulling for #JBboyfriend1), Bieber's forehead will definitely be front and center, and we can't wait to see what lies in store for this new musical/fringeless era for the teen heartthrob.

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