Justin Bieber naked photos posed online, video could be next! *runs for cover*

Naked photos of Justin Bieber have been posted online after his laptop was stolen, and it's believed a video could be posted next.

Justin Bieber's laptop was nicked and now the thief is threatening him via twitter! Copyright: [wenn]

We thought we should let you know so you can prepare your eyes.

Poor old Biebs, it's almost worse than being caught with your pants down, being caught with your pants OFF!

His laptop was stolen from backstage and now the thief is threatening Bieber via twitter!

@gexwy has even been teasing Justin about his password, posting: "Good job with the password protected @justinbieber. weak,"

We know we shouldn't but, LOL!

It's not been a good few weeks for old Biebs really. Copyirght: [wenn]

However, it all got a bit sinister when this Gex chap posted: "u have no idea what i have and when u see tomorrow u will feel different."

'WHAT DOES HE HAVE?', we hear you cry! However, we think our eyes can do without knowing.

In true celeb style, after the pictures were leaked a distraught Justin took to Twitter to express his anger through some emotionally venting hash tags:

"I had a lot of personal footage on that computer and camera and that is what bothers me the most. #lame #norespect."

[Related Story: Justin Bieber opens up about 'hot girlfriend' Selena Gomez]

[Related Story: Justin Bieber pukes up on stage]

It's not been a great few weeks for Justin but we do feel like we really are getting to know every inch of him.

Last week we were acquainted with his insides after he chucked up live on stage, and now we get to meet little Justin!

However, after catching a glimpse of the snaps, it's not *exactly* accurate to say 'little', perhaps courgette Bieber might be more er, fitting?