Star Spotting: Justin Bieber May Or May Not Moonlight As An Acrobat (PHOTO)

Justin Bieberor an acrobat? We're not even sure.

We always knew Justin Bieberwas a magical being (I mean what normal person can barf on stage and then TOTALLY rally?), but we had no clue he possessed the ability to levitate! Along with Cody Simpsonand Carly Rae Jepsen, The Biebs' "Believe" tourmade a stop atL.A.'s famed Staples Center, and not only did he put on a stellar musical show, but he also gave the crowd a touch of magic. Because DO YOU SEE HOW HIGH HE JUMPED? No part of that is normal... at all. Secret springs in his shoes? We're thinking maybe.

Though it's hard to get an actual read, we'd venture to say that thefour-time MTV EMA nomineeprobably jumped at least 2 feet in the air and by the way, still managed to keep his perfectly coiffed locks intact and rock a smoldering smize much like the one he did in this photo. The only difference here is that Justin is, you know, in flight. Guess if one day his Beliebers stop beliebing (like that's actually gonna happen), Justin can always have a fall-back career as an aerial artist in Cirque Du Soleil!

Photo credit: Getty Images

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