Justin Bieber: Truth and consequences from paternity testing

Canadian singing sensation Justin Bieber says he has taken a paternity test to prove he did not father a child with a 20-year-old woman, Mariah Yeater. (Valerie Macon / AFP/Getty Images)
November 23, 2011, 5:35 p.m.
Justin Bieber has said on ABC's "The View" that he's taken a DNA test to show that he's not the father of Mariah Yeater's child -- even though Yeater has withdrawn the paternity suit against the "Baby" singer.
I didnt have to do it, I did it because I wanted to, he said on the show. I wanted everything to be out in the open.
That attitude seems in line with the message from companies offering DNA tests. According to an article by The Times'Karen Kaplan, one company offered a Father's Day discount, suggesting that "a paternity test can be 'a gift of peace of mind.'" Nicely spun.
Bieber was willing, but in the event that a father can'! t or won 't come forward, the Booster Shots post points out, the alleged paternal grandparents can step up -- as could aunts, uncles and siblings.
Paternity tests are easy enough to get nowadays -- picked up at your local drugstore.Just be sure you're ready for the consequences if the answer isn't what you wanted, or expected. MSNBC reports on customers of Walgreens' off-the-shelf paternity test who learned this the hard way.
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